With the recruitment of 27 officers in Grade 'A' which will be undertaken shortly, the strength of our cadre will swell up to 115 from the present 88. The gradewise distribution after taking into account the recent 18 promotiions from Grade 'A' to 'B' will be as follows :
Grade----No. of Posts--- % of Total
--'D'-----------04------------3.5 *
(NB 1.* one post not yet filled.
2.Kindly ignore the dashes in between the figures, these are courtesy formatting errors.)
The impact of the above mentioned figures can be better felt when they are seen on a pie or a column chart. Instead of a pyramidical structure what do we have here ?? I have no idea what this figure should be called. A whopping 91.3 % of the officers will be Grade 'A' and 'B'. So where will these blokes go thereafter ?? End of the road man !! Whither goest thou ?? Quo Vadis ??? Start praying and meanwhile keep braying too. Maybe the powers that be will relent after listening to your combined cry.