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Wednesday, January 03, 2007

More on Certification

I had applied to the Bank to allow me to take the test for CPP certification under the incentive scheme for higher/professional studies. CPP certification is globally recognised and is the ultimate as far as security management is concerned. The Bank has permitted me as a special case to take the test with the tacit understanding that it would be included in the list of courses under the incentive scheme as more and more Security Officers apply for the same. The Bank has reimbursed the examination fee and membership fees for one year which amounts to approx $ 400/- or so.
I am now member of ASIS and have two years and a maximum of three attempts to pass the test. The exam requires exhaustive study of the specified material and the minimum marks required to pass is 650 out of 800 ( or 81.25%). India has only one chapter of ASIS and that is New Delhi. An exam centre is fixed if there are a minimum of 8 candidates. To the best of my knowledge only three Security Officers are CPPs in India as on date, though many are trying to get the coveted designation.
In the recently concluded Security Managers' conference the CGM i/c HRDD was magnanimous enough to allow the purchase of two sets of study material kits (costing $1500/each) for study by those desirous of taking the said test. This has been reflected in the minutes of the said meeting. The high cost of study material was a deterrent thus far though low cost alternatives are also available.
May I now exhort my friends and colleagues to seriously think of getting certified since all other aspects have been taken care of. Please visit the ASIS website for more details or send me a mail at for any clarification. All the best to those who are keen to venture forth.

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