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Friday, July 06, 2007

Lungar Gupp XXIII

1. Musical Chairs. I believe there is a solid game of ‘musical chairs’ going on for the DGM’s post which will fall vacant on the superannuation of Capt Kaushik on 31 August. On last count there were 5 contenders who are willing to circle the solitary ‘chair’. Who will ultimately get it is anyone’s guess. So here’s wishing ‘Happy Clawing and Scratching’ to all the contenders. May the maddest scramble begin and the most agile win !!

2. Career Progression. Another bit of news that I heard just today is that the Central Security Cell has taken up a case in writing regarding promotions of Security Officers. With the murmurs of grade ‘C’ posts being increased already doing the rounds, I only hope that this new initiative does not backfire and the powers that be do not take it as an affront. Let us hope and pray that the two cases will be not construed to work at cross purposes.

3. RBI Shimla. Our friend Capt Jaswal was in the thick of things (enjoying the cool climes of Shimla) while he was helping set up the new office at Shimla. He spent a week over there helping the GM incharge get things going. Some people have all the luck !!

4. Postings. It is understood that Maj Neelesh Tiwari from Kanpur office is being expected at RBI, New Delhi. Maj Sumit Upreti from Patna (also posted to New Delhi) has not yet been relieved. Seems like some movement is inevitable to these centres from 'house full' places. Lets see what happens and who the hapless blokes are !!

5. Quotable Quote. Here is an original quote from one of the youngsters with me :

"Living in Bangalore is like living in Heaven (provided you have NOT seen hell) !! - Capt Neeraj Dobhal

That’s it till next time. Keep smiling.


Balvinder Balli said...

I fail to understand that what is so specilal about the Bombay, DGM post. I think the only guy sweating to get back to Bombay should be the one who has left his family behind. All other so called contenders are well ensconced in their dens. Even the Delhi guy should be comfortable now since the weather has improved there. In any case please count me out from that imaginary 'clawing and scratching' (in case you are considering me as one of the contenders) I am happy where I am.

Capt N.S.Bisht said...

OK Balli. Point taken. You are no longer in 'contention'!!! So for 'five' read 'four' contenders (subject to no more denials !!)

Balvinder Balli said...

I just missed Bank's Shimla opening by a whisker. I was at Shimla for a week to attend the wedding of my nephew and left on 1st July itself.

Regarding Bangalore, i am still cherishing the memories of the city, when my Battallion was at Trivandrum from 1979 to 1982. Bangalore was very much the city of flowers then, which we used to visit very often for all our official events. i have not visited Bangalore after that and i can imagine what the silicon valley must be looking like. Hope to visit you some time.