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Saturday, February 09, 2008

Lungar Gupp XXXVI

1. The Exodus Continues. Maj R.M.Bade, CPP, has submitted a request to the Bank to allow him to work in another organization while maintaining his lien on the Bank on the same lines as Capt Muralidharan. Here's wishing him all the best for a happy 'grazing' in new pastures and hope that the Bank grants him the lien !!
2. Grade 'A' to 'B' Promotion Interviews. Interviews for 5 vacancies in Grade 'B' in our cadre have been scheduled for 15 Feb 2008 (at last !!). The first timers are raring to go (they are lucky to make the grade in 5 years of service !) I have had some queries regarding 'tips' in this connection. Well, for starters, just type 'Tips for Interviews' on the search bar at the top of my blog to get the 'tips'. Best of luck to all those who will be scratching the starting line.
3. Monkey Business !! This is another howler connected to the President's visit to Karnataka in the first week of this month. As reported by one local daily, the President was scheduled to visit 'Hampi' and some overzealous state government officials started a 'monkey catching drive', as they perceived the simians to be a security threat. This, understandably had the animal-rights folks 'up in arms' and some even threatened to go on a fast in protest. The monkeys, it seems, were given goodies to eat and got free medical treatment and were let off exactly from where they were picked up - the precincts of a famous temple !! Just goes to show 'dont try monkey business with monkeys in India'.


Jasjeet Kalra said...

Dear Bisht Sir, I read ur blogs and I must appreciate ur flair of putting together the words in such a wonderful expression.

And thanks for ur good wishes.

regards kalra

Capt N.S.Bisht said...

Hi Kalra,
Thanx for your kind words.