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Saturday, July 16, 2005

I am the one who can get the coon

I was told by a friend from the general side that one officer from our cadre is busy `shouting from rooftops' how slack his predecessor has been in the discharge of his duties. I was appalled at this irresponsible behaviour. Imagine the effect such a diatribe has on someone who is blissfully unaware about the intrigues that plague our cadre. These are the acts which lower our collective image in the eyes of everyone. OK, so you are `James Bond and Sherlock Holmes rolled into one'. Then get your act together and and GET THE COON MAN. Your work will speak for you. We must remember that we are not indispensable and someone has been `shovelling the shit' before us. So let us not demean and criticize our predecessors and get down to business. If we open our beaks too wide we may put our foot into it. Watch out guys !!!

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